I really don't know what it is about me and dating. Anything and everything deemed horrible, will happen to me while dating guys.
Last weekend i went camping near Moab with Mark (the guy I have been dating) and a couple of people from my ward. As we arrived in Moab we stopped to eat dinner at McDonalds before heading to set-up camp. We had planned to do an 11 mile hike to Druid arch the next day and therefore I thought it would be ok if I ate a Big N Tasty from McD's, seeing as though I would burn off those calories. Keep in mind that I NEVER eat greasy food like that especially from McD's! That night as we were sitting around the camp fire I could tell it was doing a number on my BOWELS!!! I was thinking "oh crap, I'm gonna have to poo everywhere in the desert (there were no bathrooms)!!! Luckily, or as I thought, I was able to hold it until the next day when we went to the visitors center before we started our hike. It was still solid then (sorry but it has to be said to get the full effect of the story). As we were driving to the trail head that's when I started getting hot and cold flashes and my stomach was Hurting REALLY BAD!!! As we got out of the car and got our gear on to start the hike, that's when it hit!!!! I was going to poo my pants in a major way right there with no bathrooms in-front of everyone!!! It was so bad I was crouching on the ground trying to hold it in! Not really knowing what was going on quite yet, Marked asked me if I wanted to wait and see if I felt better or if I just wanted to drive the 5 and 1/2 hours home. It was then when I said "We gotta go now!!!" SO as I was curled up in the passenger seat driving back I started moaning and groaning saying "I'm gonna poo my pants, I'm gonna poo my pants!!!!!!" I then proceeded to tell Mark that I didn't think I could make it back to the visitor's center and that he might have to pull over so I could poo on the side of the road (We had no toilet paper)!!! Keep in mind that there was a cliff on one side of the road and a huge wall on the other, so I would have clearly been visible to any cars coming and honestly at this point I could have cared less!!! We actually ended up making it to the visitor's center and Mark pulled up to the front and told me to "run!!!" I speed walked into the bathroom and didn't come out for another 30 minutes (I truely was Harry from dumb and dumber)!!!!!! How embarrassing!!!! Luckily the rest of the trip home we only had to stop one more time to relieve my irritated BOWELS!!!!!
P.S. Mark told me on the ride home that it was ok for me to fart in-front of him if I needed to, even if it stank!!! haha What a keeper!
P.P.S.S. Even after this horrible event, he can still call my stinky anus Precious Princess